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My great-grandfather, Nelson Mandela, would be 'unhappy' with 2020 South Africa

Feb 16,2020 10:12 am

"It was the moment I realized 'Wow . my great-grandfather, Nelson Mandela was!"

Pumla Mandela recalls The Day , in 2013, if you have your grandfather's memorial service.

The former South African President is - for most of The World - a symbol of triumph over oppression. But for the 26-year-old Pumla he was also family.

she sat down with Radio 1 's Newsbeat to share memories of The Man many South Africans still Call - His clan-name, which has in the General public as a term of endearment.

People in South Africa , lit candles, to mark Nelson Mandela 's funeral in 2013

The Poem Pumla read at The Memorial said, "you will be in our memories, you tower over The World Like a comet. "

But it could, as you would expect, the most lasting memories are more low key.

"He was The Man who was always reading Newspapers, or that we have lunch with.

"I would be having conversations with my younger cousin, and he would always listen quietly and observe.

"We always thought, he did have hearing problems. He would pick and choose. Sometimes, you have to talk loud, and sometimes they would talk quietly, and he had only just the entrance.

"He's a disciplinarian was. He was very strict. "

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in Prison

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in Prison for fighting for more rights for black People in South Africa . The system of apartheid meant in the time that they were denied many of the rights for the white minority there.

The act ended when he to the Land of the first Black President .

His - Pumla you not say "enough to count fingers" to His great-great-grandchildren now.

would want to know But she still gets a lot of questions: "the People always, as it was, that this great man as my grandfather. "

It's been 30 years next month, was dismissed, since Nelson Mandela from Prison - he became President in 1994.

today, However, South Africa still has More Than its fair share of problems.

A higher proportion of black South Africans have, in the past, lived in poverty, compared with Asian and white South Africans.

In the year 2015, nine out of 10 People living in poverty are black.

It has also.

What think Pumla, her grandfather in His country would be today?

So, what would make Nelson Mandela , the 2020 in South Africa ?

"I don't know, he would be 100% happy, but I also know that he predicted a lot of what is happening now," says Pumla.

"He would be unhappy with The Level of unemployment, gender-based violence, and The State of leadership in Our Country . "

It is perhaps for those reasons, the social-media-debate on Mandela's legacy of fires often. There are those in South Africa who believe that Nelson Mandela negotiated a deal with the apartheid, which was favorable for white People .

A lot of The Debate around Land ownership - People who own Land still to a large extent.

Pumla home is littered with photos of your great-grandpa. There is one with him and her when she was in elementary school, and there are others, The Family , and Michelle Obama .

you missed some of these great moments, however.

"My mother was very strict. I got to meet a lot of People Like Beyonce . I'll never really forgiving her for.

"I had school, so she never wanted me out of the school. "

Beyonce performed on an AIDS awareness concert organized by Mandela in the year 2003

How now, Pumla has a job for a tech start-up company in Johannesburg.

"It is a responsibility for all, from each family continue The Legacy , but I have enough Family Members to do already, what takes the pressure of me to feel Like I do have something.

"But I'm going to Do Something , because it is only in My Own nature.

"the name of The Family has a lot of doors for me, but I still have to work harder than normal to prove how I did get here just because of my last name. "

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apartheid, nelson mandela, black interest, south africa

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