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Rio and Kate Ferdinand: "I was naive to be a stepmum-of-three to 27'

Feb 16,2020 3:22 am

"My mother thought I had lost my mind," says Kate, Ferdinand. Discuss The Wife of the former England and Manchester United defender Rio, how their Family First reacted to the news that she was dating an older man with three children, had recently lost his first wife, Rebecca, of cancer.

That was in 2017 - around the time of the Rio ' s BBC documentary on the adaptation to life as a Single Parent was broadcast. It was watched by More Than seven million people.

He was used to, stopped for selfies by sports fans, suddenly, he was hugged in The Street by strangers.

Rio found, him to films hard, But says that it really helped him. "I was broken before. I felt like I wasn't going to Get Out of this hole... Then I met Kate, and everything changed. "

Kate is 27 and is 12 years younger than Rio. She admits that she is a "little naive" about what life would be like a stepmum to his three children - Tia , 8, Tate, 11, and Lawrence, 13. "Then I came in The Family and I thought, woah, it will be Fine - But it's a lot of hard Work . "

In Person , Kate is warm and talkative. She does most of the talking, let Rio go off topic stop. It is not surprising that Rio's father, Julian, describes them as "strong-minded" in the program.

'Our relationship faster

About six months moved'after they met, Rio's add a died mother, Janice, to cancer, to The Family 's grief and the emotional challenge, in front of Kate. She says the feeling of responsibility of thinking to The Children , the moving, their relationship is "faster" than the average.

Now, the loved-up couple, who got married in Turkey last September to about the struggles of being a stepfamily.

"I was a bit nervous," she admits. "During the filming, I had bad days, and didn't want to make the movie, because it brought up a lot of emotions. But once we were with him, I saw the effects. I hope that people will relate to, and it can also help You . "

According to the, about one in 10 families in England and Wales were stepfamilies.

But Dr Lisa Doodson, the running steps, the believe in an organization that offers support for stepfamilies, this image is an under-estimate.

she claims this is due to several reasons, including the fact that children only in the context of a household, so if mom and dad both have new relationships, which counted The Children only "once".

'I was Just Looking after me'

Prior to the meeting of Rio on friends on holiday in Dubai, Kate lived a very different life as a reality TV star on The Only way is Essex.

"I was Just Looking after me," she says.

"I really don't cook. I just went out to dinner or To My mother. Looking after three Kids and worries in front of me, something I have never done was. "

Kate and Rio encouraged The Children to go to grief counseling

your role on Towie gave her an idea of what life was in the spotlight, But it was nothing in comparison to the control, which would be faced when the news of their relationship with Rio in the headlines at the beginning of 2017.

description of the online backlash experienced by the couple, he hurt sounds. "When You see comments on Social Media like 'oh, he is moved to think on a bit of a quick' You 'well, ok, But I hope that You do not have to go through this kind of situation'".

"people have a right to judge me'

Kate philosopher is more, particularly when It Comes to family and friends reactions. "I was involved in a lot of drama on Towie with my ex [Dan Edgar]. People are probably within your rights to judge me. You would be worried about the new person in [The Family ] and think - is she The Right role model for The Children ?"

There's been some Online Chat recently about the fact that stepmums get a bad name in books and movies, triggered by a TV presenter Fearne Cotton , who is also a stepmum.

Kate agrees to rethink that it is time, as stepmums to be shown. "Tia and I were watching a movie The Other day with an Evil stepmum in there and I said: 'I'm not so terrible, am I?"

she laughs then, But seriously. "Stepmums are always Evil - never see a movie with a beautiful stepmum - we have this title. But hopefully can start to change. "

It seems clear that Kate has helped to move the Rio and his children forward. She quit her job and spent some time bonding with them, a period, she says, was a bit of her "maternity leave".

The Children all played big roles in their wedding, and the doc shows You the share of emotional moments with her mother and gran the graves on the day of the mother.

Kate is now self-confident in your role as a stepmum

Most of Kate's pals are now in their twenties and either have no children yet or just babies, so it ended up as Rebecca's Best Friend , Lisa, You have helped to find their feet.

"You helped me through a lot, I think that I Am half of the stepmum without You . "

After all, what has your family's been through, Kate, and Rio are both of the opinion that The Five of them are really in a "good place".

Rio says his eldest son, Lawrence, sums it up best: "He says it's a 'bright house came" since Kate - listen to The Children warms my heart, because I know that we made The Right decision".

Rio and Kate: Becoming a Stepfamily.

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