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John Redwood

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Gender Male
Age 73
Date of birth June 15,1951
Zodiac sign Gemini
Born Dover
United Kingdom
SpouseGail Felicity Chippington
Party Conservative Party
ChildrenCatherine Redwood
Richard Redwood
Job Politician
Education Magdalen College
University of Oxford
St Antony's College
Official site
Position Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom
Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom since 1987
Movies/Shows Brexit: The Movie
Previous positionShadow Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy of the UK (1997–1999)
Date of Reg.
Date of Upd.

The Death of Britain?
Superpower Struggles
Stars and Strife: The Coming Conflicts Between the USA and the European Union
Just Say No! 100 Arguments Against the Euro
Popular capitalism
Our Currency, Our Country: The Dangers of European Monetary Union
After the Credit Crunch: No More Boom and Bust
Reason, Ridicule, and Religion: The Age of Enlightenment in England, 1660-1750
Public enterprise in crisis
The Single European Currency
Controlling public industries
The Global Marketplace: Capitalism and Its Future
I Want to Make a Difference - But I Don't Like Politics: The Crisis in Party Politics
Going for Broke: Gambling with Taxpayers' Money
European Science in the Seventeenth Century
Our Currency, Our Country
Singing the Blues: The Once and Future Conservatives
Signals from a Railway Conference
Action Not Words
Britain's Biggest Enterprise: Ideas for Radical Reform of the NHS
World Bank Approaches to the Environment in Brazil: A Review of Selected Projects
Axe on Tax
National Enterprise Board: A Case for Euthanasia
Rolling Back the Frontiers
Power to Parents
New life for old cities
The Democratic Revolutions: Popular Capitalism in Eastern Europe
In Sickness and in Health: Managing Change in the NHS
Third Way, which Way? How Should We Pay for Public Services?
Europe 1992, the Good and the Bad
Value for Money Audits
Equity for Everyman: New Ways to Widen Ownership
Rebuilding Britain: Can greenery & Growth be Reconciled?
Get a Move On! A Vision of Private Money for Public Transport
Care for the Elderly: The Limitations of the Dilnot Proposals
Looking Over the Jargon Wall: The Way to Better Public Service
The Future of Conservatism: Five Jubilee Lectures
Mobilizing the Markets: The Future of the City of London as a Financial Centre
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John Redwood Life story

Sir John Alan Redwood is a British politician and academic who has been the Member of Parliament for Wokingham in Berkshire since 1987.

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Northern Ireland Protocol: New Brexit deal 'inching towards conclusion'

Feb 16,2020 7:05 am

By Chris Mason & Lauren TurnerPolitical editor, BBC News

A new Brexit Deal for Northern Ireland is Not Yet done but is " inching towards a conclusion" Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has said.

The Taoiseach said a protocol Agreement could come within days but negotiators still have a gap to close.

He urged politicians from The UK, Brussels and Northern Ireland to " go The Extra mile".

A No 10 source has described negotiations between The UK and European Union as positive.

The Northern Ireland Protocol, which was agreed under former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and came into force in 2021, saw Northern Ireland continue to follow some EU laws to get round The need for checks at The UK's border with The Republic of Ireland.

Mr Varadkar told reporters: " There is The possibility of Agreement in The Next few days but by no means guaranteed. . There 's still a gap to be closed. "

He Said There is ongoing engagement between politicians, stressing that The benefits to reaching an Agreement are " huge".

There had been plans for King Charles to meet The President of The European Commission in The UK on Saturday, The Bbc understands.

The planned meeting between The King and Ursula von der Leyen, originally reported by Sky News , was not part of The negotiations between The UK and The EU and multiple sources said her visit was cancelled due to operational reasons unconnected to The political talks.

It is not known when she will now come to The UK, but The fact a meeting was planned is significant as it appears to indicate a Brexit Deal was about to be done - and publicly presented - while Ms von der Leyen was in The UK.

Some had suggested a New Deal on The Northern Ireland Protocol could be called The Windsor Agreement and include a moment in front of The cameras involving Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Ms von der Leyen.

The scheduled meeting was criticised by Mr Sunak's critics, with Jacob Rees-Mogg - a senior member of The Tory Eurosceptic European Research Group - Saying : " If There were a plan to bring The King in before There is domestic political Agreement , it would border on constitutional impropriety. "

Both The UK and The EU have to make The choreography of an announcement work at a mutually convenient time and place.

Mr Sunak and Ms von der Leyen spoke by telephone on Friday and Downing Street said The Prime Minister had made " good progress".

A source said afterwards that it had been " positive" and negotiations would continue, with The leaders agreeing " to discuss this further in coming days. "

Meanwhile, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has pulled out of a long-planned trip to The Middle East at The Beginning of next week - Raising Expectations that a formal announcement from The UK and Brussels could be Days Away .

But There have been repeated delays over The Past week or so, as wrangling went on between No 10, The Democratic Unionist Party and Conservative backbenchers.

Mr Cleverly said talks with The EU had been " tough and complicated" but were entered into " with good faith" telling GB News: " We will resolve this when we have addressed all The issues that We Are seeking to resolve, rather than [working to] some arbitrary deadline. "

The Prime Minister has been trying to win support for changes to The controversial protocol. The DUP is currently blocking The formation of devolved government in Northern Ireland over its concerns about The Deal .

Earlier, a source from The DUP told The Bbc they had not been involved in any talks with The Prime Minister on Friday and had no meetings scheduled over The weekend.

What is The Northern Ireland Protocol?

The Northern Ireland Protocol is a trading arrangement, negotiated during Brexit talks. It allows goods to be transported across The Irish land border without The need for checks.

Before Brexit, it was easy to transport goods across this border because both sides followed The same EU rules. After The UK left, special trading arrangements were needed because Northern Ireland has a land border with The Republic of Ireland, which is part of The EU.

The EU has strict food rules and requires border checks when certain goods - Such as milk and Eggs - arrive from non-EU countries.

The Land border is a sensitive issue because of Northern Ireland 's troubled political history. It was feared that cameras or border posts - as part of these checks - could lead to instability.

The UK and The EU agreed that protecting The Northern Ireland peace Deal - The Good Friday Agreement - was an absolute priority.

So, both sides signed The Northern Ireland Protocol as part of The Brexit withdrawal Agreement .

It is now part of International Law .

Sammy Wilson MP, The DUP's shadow spokesperson for Brexit, said his party would only accept a Deal if Eu Law " imposed" on Northern Ireland was removed.

He told Sky News : " If The prime minster succeeds in getting that we will embrace it, but if he hasn't succeeded in achieving that aim then as part of The UK we cannot accept it. "

Mr Wilson said that " we expect British law should apply in Northern Ireland , not Brussels law imposed on us, with all The disastrous effects that has. "

The Prime Minister has been facing pressure from some Conservative MPs over Northern Ireland 's current obligation to follow some EU laws and be accountable to The European Court of Justice.

Eurosceptic Tory MP Sir John Redwood said: " The UK needs to Hold Out over The EU imposing laws on Northern Ireland . The EU needs to get The Unionists on side. "

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