Fever High photograph

Fever High

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New York
United States
Record labels Fever High
All Work EP
Avec You EP
Pop Music
New Wave
Members Reni Lane
Date of Reg.
Date of Upd.
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About Fever High

Fever High is a Brooklyn-based duo composed of singer/instrumentalists Anna Nordeen and Reni Lane. The original formation of Fever High was composed of Nordeen and model/actress Leah Cary. Their five-track debut EP, All Work, was re-released in 2016 by Sire Records after being released independently in 2015.

Coronavirus: the schools are advised not to seal over suspected cases

Feb 16,2020 10:20 am

schools do not need to close or send employees and students home to recommend if there is a suspected case of coronavirus, a new leadership.

Public Health England is to say: there are no restrictions or specific control measures are required during the tests to be carried out on a suspect.

If a case is confirmed, health team, speak to be taken with the school principal and measures.

PHE is expected that the new guidance later.

It Comes a week after at least seven schools in Brighton, Hove and Eastbourne are to be understood, said the parents, either an employee or a student, it was recommended to stay at home for 14 days from PHE.

schools notified parents said they would approve absences for families who isolate themselves.

The Department of health said on Sunday that 3,109 tests have been carried out in the UK so far, with nine positive results.

This is a reported an increase of 117 tests on the 2,992 on Saturday.

Eight of those who contracted The Virus after receiving two negative tests for the variety known as Covid-19.

All 94 people released already in the quarantine Arrowe Park hospital on the Wirral were also, Nhs England said on Saturday.

they had been kept in isolation at The Hospital after returning to the UK from Wuhan, China, the center of the outbreak.

More Than 100 people remain in isolation, in Milton Keynes , after he has been brought back to England on a later rescue Flight .

David Abel said he had little confidence that The British government would rescue him and his wife

But The British on Board, the quarantine, Diamond Princess Cruise Ship in Japan, accused the government of "forget" about you to other countries confirmed they were, to their citizens at home.

David Abel, the government invited the evacuation of British citizens on Board, and added: "It feels that we have been forgotten. "

Mr Abel's call comes as it emerged, were the passengers stuck in the quarantine, beyond the initial 19. February Date.

So far, 355 3,700 people on Board The Ship , tested positive for The Virus .

A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: "We feel for all those caught in this extremely difficult situation.

"We are urgently considering all options to ensure the health and safety of the Britons, on Board the Diamond Princess , in line with the current advice of The Chief medical officer and The World health organization and work closely with the Japanese authorities and the international partners. "

What are the symptoms of Corona-Virus , and what can help to stop its spread?

The main signs of infection are fever (high temperature) and coughing as well as shortness of breath and respiratory complaints.

Frequent hand washing with soap or gel, avoiding close contact with people who are sick and do not touch cutting their eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands can help reduce The Risk of infections.

Catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue, binning, and washing your hands can minimize The Risk that diseases can spread.

All the symptoms, even if mild, after traveling from China, Thailand, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Hong Kong , Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia or Macau are advised to stay indoors, and call the NHS 111 phone service.

What is the government doing?

The main focus is on the rapid identification of individuals with the disease, and take you to specialized hospitals for treatment in isolation.

you are tracing anyone who has come in close contact with the patient, make sure you know the signs of the disease, and what to do.

The corona Virus -Death Toll in China has increased from 105 to 1,770, in figures announced early on Monday Morning .

the Chinese authorities also reported The Number of new cases had increased slightly on the previous day, the figure after a fall for three consecutive days.

in total have been reported of 2,048 new cases across the country on Monday - 1,933 were from Hubei.

More Than 70,500 people nationwide have already been infected with The Virus .

coronavirus outbreak, public health

Source of news: bbc.com

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