About Dictatorship
A dictatorship is an authoritarian form of government, characterized by a single leader or group of leaders with either no party or a weak party, little mass mobilization, and limited political pluralism.
Argentina election: Javier Milei's radical proposals face test of reality

... Dictatorship denialMr Milei and his vice-presidential running-mate Victoria Villarruel also ignited intense controversy during the campaign with their position regarding Argentina s 1976-83 military Dictatorship...
Syria: Dismay and fear as Bashar al-Assad returns to Arab fold

... " The Assad regime is a Dictatorship - the same as the other Arab regimes...
Myanmar's executed activists: Phyo Zeya Thaw and Ko Jimmy

... " Zeya Thaw loathed military Dictatorship and injustice since the beginning, " says his friend and co-founder of Generation Wave, Min Yan Naing...
Myanmar Rohingya: Aung San Suu Kyi cuts a haunted figure in court

... In fact, they sang an old favourite which criticises the former military Dictatorship - the apparatus of evil which truly instilled terror in people s hearts...
Elections in Spain: socialists win, in the middle of a right-wing surge

... Spain had appeared immune to a wave of right-wing populism spreading throughout the continent in the last ten years, with many memories of the military Dictatorship of Gen Francisco Franco...