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Labour leadership hustings: the party "can't win", without success in Scotland

Feb 16,2020 6:49 am

Rebecca Long-Bailey, Lisa Nandy and Sir Keir Starmer are the last three contenders in the British Labour leadership election

The finalists for the Labour leadership to answer questions at a hustings in Glasgow, with all three backing more powers than now.

, and their views on issues such as Scottish independence and The Constitution .

All three members agreed that to win The Party , The Power to win back in Scotland.

But Ms Bailey is the only one who expressly declare that they would agree to a fresh vote on independence.

you insisted that your party must not "try the case" once again the collaboration with the Tories, to, Scotland in the United Kingdom .

The Shadow business Secretary, and fellow leadership hopefuls, shadow Brexit Secretary Sir Keir Starmer , and The Shadow Climate Change Secretary, Lisa Nandy , has been the success of the last three contenders in the running, Jeremy Corbyn , after due not secure enough nominations before the deadline on Friday evening.

At the SEC in Glasgow, the rest of the contenders all back stressed the importance of the work to win support in Scotland, as a way back to power in the UK.

Ms Nandy said: "There is no route to the government, not by Scotland, but The Challenge is absolutely enormous. "

she added: "We need to start winning, in every region and nation of the UK, because we have to show we are a National Party government. "

Likewise, Sir Keir said: "We can't win without Scotland, so we have to rebuild in Scotland. "

Ms Long-Bailey is an ally of the departing Jeremy Corbyn also echo that, say the activists at The Event : "We will not win General elections without Scotland. "

Asked directly whether the Scottish Parliament should have The Power to stage a legally binding referendum on independence, Ms Long-Bailey affirms that she wishes in contrast to independence, don't you think, Westminster indyref2 against Holyrood should block.

On Saturday, She Said : "I am proud to be from the United Kingdom , but as a Democrat I have to say that, if the Scottish Parliament a request for a referendum, I do not think that you as a Democratic Party , we could reject it. "

their comments came after MSPs to take place.

If there is a second vote on Scottish independence, She Said work is a "positive campaign" for The Union could make.

We can't fall But she was clear: "in the case, we have last time, where we, Together with the Conservative Party , Better Together . "

Rebecca Long-Bailey, Lisa Nandy and Sir Keir Starmer speech at the Labour leadership hustings on the stage at the SEC in Glasgow

But, Sir Keir - who is to replace the bookmaker " favorite, Mr Corbyn said, the support for a second independence labour vote forces could be falling into a "trap" set by the SNP.

He the output of the Holyrood with The Power on the stage, said a fresh vote on the subject of "an interesting question", but he added: "We should not be sucked straight into the.

"The SNP constantly with the constitutional question as to mask The Real problems, and if we get that, we fall into The Trap .

"we have a broad discussion about where we go next, but let us be brave about it. "

He argues that the work of radical federalism should support "as a way to the future" for the UK.

Meanwhile, Ms Nandy said that she believed in a "much more radical power of settlement as federalism, with power pushed to the local authorities".

Labour Party members said: "I believe in the United Kingdom , and I think that we be absolutely clear About That and we need to stand up for Scotland remaining in the UK.

"We can see the hand of power to the people and give the people freedom of choice and control over their own lives, by giving more powers to our councils. "

the Current leader Jeremy Corbyn confirmed, he would count the step down to his election, in December, when his party faced its worst performance in terms of seats since 1935.

scottish independence, scottish parliament, snp (scottish national party), emily thornberry, labour party, keir starmer, labour party leadership election, scottish labour, rebecca long-bailey, lisa nandy

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