Two rebellious youths, Ralph (Robert Downey Jr. ) and Scott (Kiefer Sutherland), find themselves struggling with adulthood as the Vietnam War rages. Feeling trapped in their small town, Scott battles with his conservative veteran father, Cliff (Bruce Dern), and Ralph deals with his desperately sexual mother, Ev (Joanna Cassidy). When tragic news arrives from overseas, the entire town, inspired by Ralph and Scott's antiwar efforts, reevaluates its attitude toward the war. … MORE

1969 People (First 49 people) - Page 1

Aelred of Rievaulx: A Study

Aelred of Rievaulx: A Study

Book by Aelred Squire

A Small Pinch of Weather and Other Stories

A Small Pinch of Weather and Other Stories

Book by Joan Aiken

An Essay on Liberation

An Essay on Liberation

Book by Herbert Marcuse

American Foreign Policy: Three Essays

American Foreign Policy: Three Essays

Book by Henry Kissinger

Bears on Wheels

Bears on Wheels

Book by Stan and Jan Berenstain

A Feast Unknown

A Feast Unknown

Novel by Philip José Farmer

Attachment and Loss: Separation : anxiety and

Attachment and Loss: Separation : anxiety and

Book by John Bowlby

In the hour before midnight

In the hour before midnight

Book by Jack Higgins

Double, Double

Double, Double

Novel by John Brunner

Dynamique urbaine

Dynamique urbaine

Book by Jay Wright Forrester

Gandhi's Truth

Gandhi's Truth

Book by Erik Erikson

Great Ideas of Science

Great Ideas of Science

Book by Isaac Asimov

Heroes and Villains

Heroes and Villains

Novel by Angela Carter

Historians of Greece and Rome

Historians of Greece and Rome

Book by Stephen Usher

Interaction concepts of personality

Interaction concepts of personality

Book by Robert Carson

Double, Double John Brunner

Double, Double John Brunner

Novel by John Brunner

Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-phase Equilibria

Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-phase Equilibria

Book by Edmundo Gomes de Azevedo, John Prausnitz, and Ruediger N. Lichtenthaler

My life with Martin Luther King, Jr

My life with Martin Luther King, Jr

Book by Coretta Scott King

Personality Structure and Measurement

Personality Structure and Measurement

Book by Hans Eysenck and Sybil B. G. Eysenck

Computer Organization

Computer Organization

Book by Safwat G. Zaky, V. Carl Hamacher, and Zvonko Vranesic

Fundamentals of momentum, heat, and mass transfer

Fundamentals of momentum, heat, and mass transfer

Book by James R. Welty

Intelligence and Cultural Environment

Intelligence and Cultural Environment

Book by Philip E. Vernon

Government without passing laws

Government without passing laws

Book by Michael W. Kirst

The genesis of the classical conditioned response

The genesis of the classical conditioned response

Book by Irene Martin

To Live Again

To Live Again

Novel by Robert Silverberg

Three Prophets of Religious Liberalism

Three Prophets of Religious Liberalism

Book by Conrad Edick Wright

Henry Fielding: the critical heritage

Henry Fielding: the critical heritage

Book by Ronald Paulson

British autobiography in the seventeenth century

British autobiography in the seventeenth century

Book by Paul Delany

Vibrational Spectra of Benzene Derivatives

Vibrational Spectra of Benzene Derivatives

Book by György Varsányi

Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics

Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics


Contracting for Engineering and Construction Projects

Contracting for Engineering and Construction Projects

Book by P. D. V. Marsh

Quantum mechanics of molecular rate processes

Quantum mechanics of molecular rate processes

Book by Raphael David Levine

My War with Israel

My War with Israel

Book by Hussein of Jordan

Simplified Astronomy for Astrologers

Simplified Astronomy for Astrologers

Textbook by David Williams

Basic Financial Management

Basic Financial Management

Elements of advanced quantum theory

Elements of advanced quantum theory

Textbook by John Ziman

The American Heritage Dictionary of . . .

The American Heritage Dictionary of . . .

Microbiology in patient care

Microbiology in patient care

Book by Marion E Wilson

The Sixth Seal

The Sixth Seal

Book by Mary Wesley




The ideal of the university

The ideal of the university

Book by Robert Paul Wolff

The sound of mountain water

The sound of mountain water

Book by Wallace Stegner

Contemporary philosophy in Australia

Contemporary philosophy in Australia

Book by Robert Brown

Bedside Diagnostic Examination

Bedside Diagnostic Examination

Book by Elmer Louis DeGowin and Richard L. DeGowin

Population genetics in animal breeding

Population genetics in animal breeding

Book by Franz Pirchner

Thin-film optical filters

Thin-film optical filters

Book by H. A Macleod

The Yeasts: Yeast Technology

The Yeasts: Yeast Technology


A handbook on stuttering

A handbook on stuttering

Textbook by Oliver Bloodstein

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