Windrush: 'I'll make sure I get the compensation I deserve' photograph

Windrush: 'I'll Make Sure I Get The Compensation I Deserve'

Windrush: 'I'll make sure I get the compensation I deserve'

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Fitzroy Maynard moved from Antigua to the UK as a teenager, but was wrongly declared an illegal immigrant in 2008.

The Windrush scandal led to thousands of people, mostly from The Caribbean , being left without access to work, housing or healthcare and often deported.

Many, including some MPs, say that the compensation Scheme Set Up by the government is inadequate.

Watch BBC Home Editor Mark Easton speak to Fitzroy about his experience.

Kevin Foster , minister for Future Borders and Immigration, said the Home Office was increasing The Number of case staff working on the compensation Scheme - from 80 to 114. It is also looking to work with community groups and expanding in-person drop-in sessions, he added.

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