Fun House

Fun House

Fun House is a British children's game show, based on the American show of the same name, that aired on ITV from 24 February 1989 to 29 December 1999. It was hosted by Pat Sharp, who was also aided by twin cheerleaders, Melanie Grant supporting the red team and Martina Grant supporting the yellow team.

Fun House People (First 7 people) - Page 0

Motohiko Hino

Motohiko Hino

Japanese drummer

Yukari Morikawa

Yukari Morikawa


Chikuzen Sato

Chikuzen Sato

Musical artist

The Yellow Monkey

The Yellow Monkey

Rock band

Norihiro Tsuru

Norihiro Tsuru

Japanese composer

S. E. N. S.

S. E. N. S.

Musical group

satoru shionoya salt

satoru shionoya salt

Musical group