St. Lawrence

St. Lawrence

Set in a historic industrial section where Georgian mansions mingle with 1970s buildings, this family friendly neighbourhood attracts plenty of visitors to the more than 200 food stalls of the St. Lawrence Market. Hip crowds head to the vibrant restaurants, bars and cafes on Front Street East. The St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts and the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts offer live theatre and cultural events.

People died in St Lawrence (First 7 people) - Page 0

Anne Blencowe

Anne Blencowe

George Binney

George Binney


Frank Berni

Frank Berni

British restaurateur

Humphrey Atkins

Humphrey Atkins

British politician

Ernest Renshaw

Ernest Renshaw

Tennis player

S.C. Balcon

S.C. Balcon

Associate producer

Kit Hood

Kit Hood

Canadian television editor