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People died in 1597 (First 49 people) - Page 0
Cornelius Wytfliet
Babaji Bhonsle
Maloji Bhosale's father
Kuroda Kumanosuke
Kuroda Yoshitaka's son
Jeanne Brochard
René Descartes' mother
Luis Álvarez de Toledo
Military personnel
Renée d'Anjou-Mézière
Ngawang Jigme Drakpa
Margarete Luther
Paul Luther's daughter
Jane Tresithney
Cuthbert Ogle, 7th Baron Ogle
Thado Dhamma Yaza III of Prome
Niklaus von Flüe
Orazio I di Lannoy
Mabel Wroth
Thomas Wroth's daughter
Eleanor Musgrave
Agnes Fleming
Janet Stewart, Lady Fleming's daughter
Nuno Álvares Pereira de Melo
Fabian von Ungern
Clement Paston
William Sidley
Yevdokiya Nagaya
Philibert de Rye, Comte de Varax
Nuño Alvares Pereira de Melo, 3.Conde de Tentugal
Ida Boghe
Magdalena von Degenberg
Yenpa Lo Dé
Blanche Godolphin
Johanna Fugger
Edmund Bourke
Thomas Burrough
Richard Puttenham
Frances Midleton
Magdalen Amyas
Hugh Somerville, 6th Lord Somerville
Anne Whighte
Thomas Wroughton
William Wroughton's son
Freiin Apollonia von Waldstein
Ursula Hoddesdon
William FitzWilliam, of Mablethorpe
Jane Finderne
Alice St. Barbe
Wacław Agryppa
Don Alberto Acquaviva d'Aragona, 11.Duca d'Atri
Robert Menteth of Coalheughburn
Johann, Freiherr von Waldstein
Christine Schifer von Irnhärting
John Tuite
Edmond Knightley
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