1991 is a Canadian comedy-drama film, directed by Ricardo Trogi and released in 2018. The third film in his semi-autobiographical series after 1981 and 1987, the film centres on Ricardo's 1991 trip to Italy to pursue a relationship with Marie-Ève.

People died in 1991 (First 49 people) - Page 1

Ettore Coco

Ettore Coco

Georges Liautaud

Georges Liautaud

Haitian visual artist

Nils Landberg

Nils Landberg

Visual artist

Vladimir Maryev

Vladimir Maryev


Nashil Pichen

Nashil Pichen

Zambian singer

Pere Mas Oliver

Pere Mas Oliver

Spanish military personnel

Jim Helms

Jim Helms

Film score composer

Peadar Mercier

Peadar Mercier

Irish musician

John Bartha

John Bartha

Hungarian film actor

Abdullah Palaz

Abdullah Palaz

Mildred Portney Chase

Mildred Portney Chase


Abdul Majeed Allawi

Abdul Majeed Allawi

Abdullah Kamil

Abdullah Kamil


Jacques Tritsch

Jacques Tritsch

Musical artist

George Tumahai

George Tumahai

New Zealand comedian

Michael McAloney Jr.

Michael McAloney Jr.

Michael McAloney's son

Ina Montagu

Ina Montagu

Stephen Poliakoff's mother

Titia Kamerlingh Onnes

Titia Kamerlingh Onnes

Patrick Burruss

Patrick Burruss

Kandi Burruss' brother

Mary Agnes Allardyce

Mary Agnes Allardyce

Ronald Taylforth

Ronald Taylforth

LaVerne Shepherd

LaVerne Shepherd

Sherri Shepherd's mother

Hedwig Schönwiese

Hedwig Schönwiese

Social worker

Alexandra Petrovna Porada

Alexandra Petrovna Porada

Raisa Gorbacheva's mother

Edwina Armstrong

Edwina Armstrong

Actress ‧ Ben Hecht's daughter

Ted Bench

Ted Bench

Johnny Bench's father

Andrée Roggero

Andrée Roggero

Lella Saenger

Lella Saenger

Dick Watt

Dick Watt

Lucille Rogers

Lucille Rogers

Kenny Rogers' mother

Vada Bennett Dow

Vada Bennett Dow


Linus Pitts Napier

Linus Pitts Napier


Billy Franklin

Billy Franklin

Leonilla Samuel

Leonilla Samuel

Maurice Druon's mother

Jennifer Beryl Bruce

Jennifer Beryl Bruce

Nigel Bruce's daughter

Leonid Akhmetov

Leonid Akhmetov

Cläre Altenpohl

Cläre Altenpohl

Reinhold Blomberg's wife

Frances May Baer

Frances May Baer

Jacob Baer's daughter

Giorgos Sevastikoglou

Giorgos Sevastikoglou

Film writer

Shaul Weizman

Shaul Weizman

Ezer Weizman's son

Estelle Olivia Harewood

Estelle Olivia Harewood

Ursula Ruth Blackwell

Ursula Ruth Blackwell


Goretti Ramalho

Goretti Ramalho

Eva Koeppel

Eva Koeppel

Friedrich Olbricht's wife

Niyazi Altuğ

Niyazi Altuğ

Meirion Dyfnallt Owen

Meirion Dyfnallt Owen

Nicholas Deans

Nicholas Deans

B. M. Patil

B. M. Patil

Politician ‧ M. B. Patil's father

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