

Retz is a town with a population of 4,168 in the Hollabrunn District in Lower Austria, Austria.

People born in Retz (First 18 people) - Page 0

Maurice Papon

Maurice Papon

Former Budget Minister of France

Erhard Scholz

Erhard Scholz

German mathematician

Johanne Katherine Christiane Keil

Johanne Katherine Christiane Keil

Fernand Lantoine

Fernand Lantoine

French painter

Friedrich Wieck

Friedrich Wieck

German voice teacher

Jörg Damme

Jörg Damme

German olympic athlete

Edith Bergner

Edith Bergner

East German writer

Dietmar Pellmann

Dietmar Pellmann

German Politician

Fritz Getlinger

Fritz Getlinger


Walter Mayr

Walter Mayr


Kilian Caspar Flasch

Kilian Caspar Flasch

Francis Aupiais

Francis Aupiais


David Leray

David Leray

French footballer

Rudolf Vollmöller

Rudolf Vollmöller

Pierre Raymond Hector d'Aubusson

Pierre Raymond Hector d'Aubusson

Eugène Bizeau

Eugène Bizeau

French poet

Adolf Eugen Ludwig von Bodelschwingh-Plettenberg

Adolf Eugen Ludwig von Bodelschwingh-Plettenberg


Carl Gisbert Wilhelm von Bodelschwingh-Plettenberg

Carl Gisbert Wilhelm von Bodelschwingh-Plettenberg