

Hundred is a Japanese light novel series written by Jun Misaki and illustrated by Nekosuke Ōkuma. SB Creative published 16 novels between November 15, 2012 and October 15, 2018 under their GA Bunko imprint. A manga adaptation with art by Sasayuki was serialized in Fujimi Shobo's Monthly Dragon Age magazine.

People born in Hundred (First 18 people) - Page 0

Alexandra Byrne

Alexandra Byrne

Costume designer

Benjamin Harrison IV

Benjamin Harrison IV

Benjamin Harrison V's father

Betty Hemings

Betty Hemings

Sally Hemings' mother

William H. Forwood

William H. Forwood


Thomas M'Clintock

Thomas M'Clintock

American pharmacist

Peter Grubb

Peter Grubb


Sir Peter Agnew, 1st Baronet

Sir Peter Agnew, 1st Baronet


Lammot du Pont Copeland

Lammot du Pont Copeland

American businessman

Caesar Rodney

Caesar Rodney

Former Governor of Delaware

Alan Bromly

Alan Bromly

Film director

Lee King

Lee King

Baseball player

Maxine Blossom Miles

Maxine Blossom Miles

British engineer

Frederic Lang

Frederic Lang

New Zealand Politician

Marcus Harris

Marcus Harris

American football player

Rahul Nath

Rahul Nath


William Montgomery

William Montgomery

Former United States Congressman

Grizelda Hervey

Grizelda Hervey


William Medill

William Medill

Former Governor of Ohio