

Precious Hearts Romances Presents: Paraiso is a 2012 Philippine drama television series under Precious Hearts Romances based on pocketbook novel Isla Sanctuario created by Dawn Igloria, and directed by Connie Macatuno, Nico Hernandez, and Rechie A. Del Carmen.

People born in Paraiso (First 49 people) - Page 2

Patricio Yáñez

Patricio Yáñez

Football player

Eduardo Alquinta

Eduardo Alquinta

Chilean guitarist

Marco Cornez

Marco Cornez

Chilean footballer

Ian C. Johnston

Ian C. Johnston


Hugo Pirovich

Hugo Pirovich

Chilean musician

Alfredo Moreno Charme

Alfredo Moreno Charme

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile

Edgardo Garrido

Edgardo Garrido

Chilean writer

Gustavo Ross

Gustavo Ross

Chilean politician

Cosme San Martín

Cosme San Martín

Chilean painter

Alberto Orrego Luco

Alberto Orrego Luco

Chilean painter

Marta Vergara

Marta Vergara

Chilean author

Henrique Bernardelli

Henrique Bernardelli

Brazilian painter

Francisco García Calderón Rey

Francisco García Calderón Rey

Peruvian writer

erasmo escala

erasmo escala

Former Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile

Agustín Edwards Ross

Agustín Edwards Ross

Former President of the Senate of Chile

Alfredo del Diestro

Alfredo del Diestro

Chilean actor

Ricardo Celis Araya

Ricardo Celis Araya

Former Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile

Ernesto Ottone

Ernesto Ottone

Chilean actor

Alberto Edwards

Alberto Edwards

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile

Alvaro Viguera

Alvaro Viguera


José Maza Sancho

José Maza Sancho

Chilean astronomer

Rodolfo Carter

Rodolfo Carter

Chilean lawyer

Eduardo Barrios

Eduardo Barrios

Former Minister of Public Education of Chile

Aurélia de Souza

Aurélia de Souza

Portuguese painter

Martín Nicolás Arenas Jara

Martín Nicolás Arenas Jara

Football player

Jefferson Castillo

Jefferson Castillo

Chilean footballer

Luis Bossay

Luis Bossay

Former Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile

Carlos F. Borcosque

Carlos F. Borcosque

Chilean film director

Arturo López Willshaw

Arturo López Willshaw

Chilean socialite

Ricardo Krebs

Ricardo Krebs

Chilean historian

Jacqueline Balcells

Jacqueline Balcells


Luis Harss

Luis Harss


Paula Larrain

Paula Larrain

Danish journalist

Carlos Camus

Carlos Camus

Camilo Mori

Camilo Mori


Carlos Tromben

Carlos Tromben

Chilean journalist

Me Llamo Sebastián

Me Llamo Sebastián


Manuel Thomson

Manuel Thomson

Chilean military personnel

Alejandro Hisis

Alejandro Hisis

Association football manager

Alfonso Asenjo Gómez

Alfonso Asenjo Gómez


Álvaro Bisama

Álvaro Bisama

Chilean writer

Ángel Guarello

Ángel Guarello

Chilean lawyer

Augusto Orrego Luco

Augusto Orrego Luco

Chilean author

Diego Dublé Almeyda

Diego Dublé Almeyda

Ernesto Fontaine

Ernesto Fontaine

Chilean economist

Fernando Lamberg

Fernando Lamberg

Chilean author

Gabriel Vigliensoni

Gabriel Vigliensoni

Music producer

Gustavo Rivera Baeza

Gustavo Rivera Baeza

Former Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile

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