

The Renaissance is a period in European history, covering the span between the 14th and 17th centuries and marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity.

Renaissance People (First 49 people) - Page 3

Clément Beaune

Clément Beaune

Minister Delegate for Transport of France

Dominique Théophile

Dominique Théophile

Senator of France

Ludovic Haye

Ludovic Haye

Senator of France

Bruno Le Maire

Bruno Le Maire

Minister of the Economy, Finance and Recovery of France

François de Rugy

François de Rugy

Former Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion of France

Matthieu Orphelin

Matthieu Orphelin

Former Member of the National Assembly of France

Agnès Buzyn

Agnès Buzyn

Former Minister of Social Affairs and Health of France

Richard Ferrand

Richard Ferrand

Secretary-General of En marche !

Romain Grau

Romain Grau

Former Member of the National Assembly of France

Sira Sylla

Sira Sylla

Member of the National Assembly of France

François Patriat

François Patriat

Senator of France

Vittorio Sgarbi

Vittorio Sgarbi

Mayor of Arpino

Natalia Pouzyreff

Natalia Pouzyreff

Member of the National Assembly of France

Adrien Taquet

Adrien Taquet

Secretary of State for Child Protection of France

Gérard Collomb

Gérard Collomb

Former Mayor of Lyon

Sibeth Ndiaye

Sibeth Ndiaye

Former French government spokesperson

Anne Genetet

Anne Genetet

Member of the National Assembly of France

Raphaël Gauvain

Raphaël Gauvain

French Politician

Brigitte Bourguignon

Brigitte Bourguignon

Former Minister of Social Affairs and Health of France

Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade

Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade

Member of the National Assembly of France

Sandrine Le Feur

Sandrine Le Feur

Member of the National Assembly of France

Annaïg Le Meur

Annaïg Le Meur

Member of the National Assembly of France

Anne-France Brunet

Anne-France Brunet

Former Member of the National Assembly of France

Laurence Maillart-Méhaignerie

Laurence Maillart-Méhaignerie

Member of the National Assembly of France

Nadège Havet

Nadège Havet

Senator of France

Jean-Bernard Sempastous

Jean-Bernard Sempastous

Former Member of the National Assembly of France

Thomas Rudigoz

Thomas Rudigoz

Member of the National Assembly of France

Nicole Duranton

Nicole Duranton

Former Senator of France

Françoise Laborde

Françoise Laborde

Former Senator of France

Sophie Errante

Sophie Errante

Member of the National Assembly of France

Éric Alauzet

Éric Alauzet

Member of the National Assembly of France

Stéphane Bijoux

Stéphane Bijoux

Member of the European Parliament

Daniel Labaronne

Daniel Labaronne

Member of the National Assembly of France

Christine Le Nabour

Christine Le Nabour

Member of the National Assembly of France

Céline Calvez

Céline Calvez

Member of the National Assembly of France

Paul Midy

Paul Midy

Member of the National Assembly of France

Alexis Izard

Alexis Izard

Member of the National Assembly of France

Loic Terrenes

Loic Terrenes


Jacqueline Maquet

Jacqueline Maquet

Member of the National Assembly of France

Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet

Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet

Member of the National Assembly of France

Mikaele Kulimoetoke

Mikaele Kulimoetoke

Senator of France

Jean-Carles Grelier

Jean-Carles Grelier

Member of the National Assembly of France

Jean-Pierre Mignard

Jean-Pierre Mignard

French author

Patrice Anato

Patrice Anato

Former Member of the National Assembly of France

Catherine Osson

Catherine Osson

Former Member of the National Assembly of France

Frédéric Lefebvre

Frédéric Lefebvre

Former Member of the National Assembly of France

Jean-Louis Fousseret

Jean-Louis Fousseret

Former Mayor of Besançon

Xavier Iacovelli

Xavier Iacovelli

Senator of France

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