An 11-year-old boy who hails from a financially unsound family joins a school where his classmates are more affluent. To integrate with them, he starts lying about his life, which doesn't last long.

1981 People (First 49 people) - Page 2

Eric Gill: Man of Flesh and Spirit

Eric Gill: Man of Flesh and Spirit

Book by Malcolm Yorke

Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer

Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer

Book by Frank P. Incropera

Intelligence: The Battle for the Mind

Intelligence: The Battle for the Mind

Book by Hans Eysenck and Leon Kamin

Intelligence and Learning

Intelligence and Learning


The Dating of Beowulf

The Dating of Beowulf

Book by Colin Robert Chase

The lone pilgrim

The lone pilgrim

Book by Laurie Colwin

The Roman enigma

The Roman enigma

Novel by Walter F. Murphy

Toward a Psychology of Situations: An Interactional Perspective

Toward a Psychology of Situations: An Interactional Perspective


Understanding Aircraft Structures

Understanding Aircraft Structures

Book by John Cutler

Women and Revolution: A Discussion of the Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism

Women and Revolution: A Discussion of the Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism


Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists

Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists

Successful Coaching

Successful Coaching

Book by Rainer Martens

Individuals as Producers of Their Development: A Life-span Perspective

Individuals as Producers of Their Development: A Life-span Perspective


The Social Studies

The Social Studies


Cognitive Skills and Their Acquisition

Cognitive Skills and Their Acquisition


Dictionnaire de L'Informatique (Dictionnaire de l'informatique)

Dictionnaire de L'Informatique (Dictionnaire de l'informatique)


Aging--biology and Behavior

Aging--biology and Behavior


Radical Pragmatics

Radical Pragmatics


What Do We Talk about when We Talk? Speculative Grammar and the Semantics and Pragmatics of Focus

What Do We Talk about when We Talk? Speculative Grammar and the Semantics and Pragmatics of Focus

Book by Johan van der Auwera

Crossing the Boundaries in Linguistics: Studies Presented to Manfred Bierwisch

Crossing the Boundaries in Linguistics: Studies Presented to Manfred Bierwisch


The Study of Schooling: Field Based . . .

The Study of Schooling: Field Based . . .


Quality of Groundwater: Proceedings of an International Symposium, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, 23-27 March 1981

Quality of Groundwater: Proceedings of an International Symposium, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, 23-27 March 1981


Climate and History: Studies in Interdisciplinary History

Climate and History: Studies in Interdisciplinary History


Boundary and space

Boundary and space

Book by Madeleine Davis

Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse Cookbook

Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse Cookbook


Possibilities and Limitations of Pragmatics: Proceedings of the Conference on Pragmatics, Urbino, July 8-14, 1979

Possibilities and Limitations of Pragmatics: Proceedings of the Conference on Pragmatics, Urbino, July 8-14, 1979


Higher Education in American . . .

Higher Education in American . . .


Prose Comprehension Beyond the Word

Prose Comprehension Beyond the Word

Book by Arthur C. Graesser

Semiotic principles in semantic theory

Semiotic principles in semantic theory

Book by Neal R. Norrick

Conversational Routine: Explorations in Standardized Communication Situations and Prepatterned Speech

Conversational Routine: Explorations in Standardized Communication Situations and Prepatterned Speech


Applied Chemistry

Applied Chemistry

Book by William R. Stine

Perspectives on World Politics

Perspectives on World Politics

Book by Michael Smith

Caring Enough to Forgive: True Forgiveness

Caring Enough to Forgive: True Forgiveness

Book by David Augsburger

Laughter, the Best Medicine

Laughter, the Best Medicine

Book by Robert J. Dolezal

Sequencing of Proteins and Peptides

Sequencing of Proteins and Peptides

Book by Geoffrey Allen

Extended Linear Chain Compounds

Extended Linear Chain Compounds


Silicon in Organic Synthesis

Silicon in Organic Synthesis

Book by Ernest W. Colvin

Alcohol and Public Policy: Beyond the Shadow of Prohibition

Alcohol and Public Policy: Beyond the Shadow of Prohibition


Handbook of Mathematical Economics

Handbook of Mathematical Economics


Sexually Abused Children and Their Families

Sexually Abused Children and Their Families


String Quartet, Op. 11

String Quartet, Op. 11

Book by Samuel Barber

The Logical Problem of Language . . .

The Logical Problem of Language . . .


The Handbook of Political Behavior

The Handbook of Political Behavior


The Management of Self-esteem: How People Can Feel Good about Themselves and Better about Their Organizations

The Management of Self-esteem: How People Can Feel Good about Themselves and Better about Their Organizations

Book by Pete Bradshaw

Norton Introduction to Poetry

Norton Introduction to Poetry

Book by J. Paul Hunter

Content Area Reading: Literacy and . . .

Content Area Reading: Literacy and . . .

Interactive Processes in Reading

Interactive Processes in Reading


Behavioral Problems in Geography Revisited

Behavioral Problems in Geography Revisited


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