R is a programming language for statistical computing and data visualization. It has been adopted in the fields of data mining, bioinformatics, and data analysis. The core R language is augmented by a large number of extension packages, containing reusable code, documentation, and sample data.

R People (First 49 people) - Page 2

Ron Johnson

Ron Johnson

United States Senator

Chuck Fleischmann

Chuck Fleischmann

United States Representative

David Kustoff

David Kustoff

United States Representative

Chip Roy

Chip Roy

United States Representative

Scott Tipton

Scott Tipton

Former United States Representative

Doug Lamborn

Doug Lamborn

United States Representative

Cory Gardner

Cory Gardner

Former United States Senator

Erik Paulsen

Erik Paulsen

Former United States Representative

Brett Guthrie

Brett Guthrie

U. S. Representative

Hal Rogers

Hal Rogers

United States Representative

John Moolenaar

John Moolenaar

United States Representative

Patrick McHenry

Patrick McHenry

U. S. Representative

Mark Walker

Mark Walker

Jazz musician

Virginia Foxx

Virginia Foxx

United States Representative

John Boozman

John Boozman

United States Senator

Jim Inhofe

Jim Inhofe

Former United States Senator

Martha Roby

Martha Roby

Former United States Representative

Johnny Isakson

Johnny Isakson

Former United States Senator

Roger Wicker

Roger Wicker

United States Senator

Kristi Noem

Kristi Noem

Governor of South Dakota

Shelley Moore Capito

Shelley Moore Capito

United States Senator

Dave Reichert

Dave Reichert

U. S. Representative

Jaime Herrera Beutler

Jaime Herrera Beutler

United States Representative

Ann Wagner

Ann Wagner

U. S. Representative

Pat Toomey

Pat Toomey

Former United States Senator

Greg Pence

Greg Pence

United States Representative

Ed Royce

Ed Royce

Former United States Representative

Bill Cassidy

Bill Cassidy

United States Senator

Bill Flores

Bill Flores

Former United States Representative

George Holding

George Holding

Former United States Representative

Rob Wittman

Rob Wittman

United States Representative

John Rutherford

John Rutherford

Rugby union player

Bob Gibbs

Bob Gibbs

U. S. Representative

Bob Latta

Bob Latta

United States Representative

Mike Turner

Mike Turner

U. S. Representative

Steve Stivers

Steve Stivers

Former Ohio State Senator

Brad Wenstrup

Brad Wenstrup

United States Representative

Deb Fischer

Deb Fischer

United States Senator

Darin LaHood

Darin LaHood

United States Representative

Ken Calvert

Ken Calvert

United States Representative

Steve Knight

Steve Knight

Former Member of the Palmdale City Council

Duncan D. Hunter

Duncan D. Hunter

Former United States Representative

Joe Wilson

Joe Wilson

Film director

Doug LaMalfa

Doug LaMalfa

United States Representative

Tom McClintock

Tom McClintock

United States Representative

David Perdue

David Perdue

Former United States Senator

Mike Conaway

Mike Conaway

Former United States Representative

Jodey Arrington

Jodey Arrington

United States Representative

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