World's Worst Mom

World's Worst Mom

This 13-part series provides a look at parents who take the idea of overprotection to extremes. Host Lenore Skenazy tries to help high-strung, fearful parents to relax and give their kids more freedom. The author and mother of two debunks myths perpetuated by the media about perceived societal dangers in an attempt to help parents shed their child-rearing fears. Skenazy guides each family through a series of challenges designed to push parents' boundaries and show how well children can behave unsupervised. In 2008, Skenazy endured intense public criticism after writing a newspaper column about her 9-year-old son riding the subway in New York alone. For her efforts she was dubbed "America's Worst Mom. " …

World S Worst Mom People (First 1 people) - Page 0

Lenore Skenazy

Lenore Skenazy
