

Ulkuthu is a 2017 Tamil action comedy drama film directed by Caarthick Raju and produced by J. Selva Kumar, featuring Dinesh and Nandita Swetha in the leading roles. The project was first announced in late 2014 and finished production in September 2016.

Ulkuthu People (First 10 people) - Page 0

Nandita Swetha

Nandita Swetha

Indian actress

Attakathi Dinesh

Attakathi Dinesh

Indian film actor

John Vijay

John Vijay

Indian actor

Justin Prabhakaran

Justin Prabhakaran

Indian film score composer

Caarthick Raju

Caarthick Raju

Film director

Sharath Lohitashwa

Sharath Lohitashwa

Indian actor

Dhilip Subbarayan

Dhilip Subbarayan

Chaya Singh

Chaya Singh

Indian actress

Bala Saravanan

Bala Saravanan

Indian actor



Film producer