Timothy Goes to School

Timothy Goes to School

This animated series chronicles the adventures of an enthusiastic 5-year-old raccoon named Timothy, who is beginning school for the first time. In his kindergarten class, he forms several friendships and has adventures with his new classmates. His best friend, Yoko, is a cat from Japan, and other pals are a bossy mouse, Nora, and a boisterous tomboy beaver, Doris. Among the adults at Timothy's school are his teacher, Mrs. Jenkins, and Henry, a beaver who is the janitor and schoolbus driver. … MORE

Timothy Goes To School People (First 13 people) - Page 0

Fiona Reid

Fiona Reid

Canadian television actress

Rob Stefaniuk

Rob Stefaniuk

Canadian comedian

Linda Kash

Linda Kash

Canadian actress

Joanne Vannicola

Joanne Vannicola

Canadian actress

Mag Ruffman

Mag Ruffman

Canadian comedian

Austin Di Iulio

Austin Di Iulio


Alyson Court

Alyson Court

Canadian actress

Jamie Watson

Jamie Watson

American soccer player

Rosemary Wells

Rosemary Wells

American writer

Laurie Elliott

Laurie Elliott

Canadian actress

Darren Frost

Darren Frost


Max Morrow

Max Morrow

Canadian actor

Joshua Seth

Joshua Seth

American voice actor