The New Year's Eve of Old Lee

The New Year's Eve of Old Lee

The New Year's Eve of Old Lee is a 2016 Chinese comedy film directed and produced by Gao Qushu and starring Zhao Benshan, Yan Ni, Rayza, and Aaron Yan. It is based on the Taiwanese drama All Night on New Year's Eve by Li Zongxi.

The New Year S Eve Of Old Lee People (First 10 people) - Page 0

Zhou Dongyu

Zhou Dongyu

Chinese actress

Hewei Yu

Hewei Yu


Chen He

Chen He

Chinese actor

Zhao Benshan

Zhao Benshan

Chinese actor

Yi Zhang

Yi Zhang


Qunshu Gao

Qunshu Gao

Chinese film director

Zhang Yuxi

Zhang Yuxi

Chinese actress

Liang Jing

Liang Jing

Chinese actress

Aaron Yan

Aaron Yan

Taiwanese actor

reyizha alimjan

reyizha alimjan

Chinese actress