Small Wonder

Small Wonder

Small Wonder is an American comedy science fiction sitcom that aired in first-run syndication from September 7, 1985, to May 20, 1989. The show chronicles the family of a robotics engineer who secretly creates a robot modeled after a human girl, then tries to pass it off as their adopted daughter, Vicki.

Small Wonder People (First 9 people) - Page 0

Brian Austin Green

Brian Austin Green

American actor

Alice Ghostley

Alice Ghostley

American actress

Howard Leeds

Howard Leeds

American television producer

William Bogert

William Bogert

American character actor

Dick Christie

Dick Christie

American actor

Jerry Supiran

Jerry Supiran

American former child actor

Marla Pennington

Marla Pennington

American actress

Tiffany Brissette

Tiffany Brissette

American actress

Emily Schulman

Emily Schulman

American actress