Redemption Song

Redemption Song

Redemption Song is an American reality television show, which aired on Fuse TV. The show, hosted by Chris Jericho was about 11 women who are competing for a recording contract. The series ran from October 29, 2008 to December 19, 2008 on Fuse TV.

Redemption Song People (First 8 people) - Page 0

Deirdre Fenton

Deirdre Fenton

Film producer

Libby Geist

Libby Geist

Film producer ‧ Kevin Wildes' wife

Lycia Naff

Lycia Naff

American dancer

Marquis Daisy

Marquis Daisy

Television producer

Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho

American-Canadian professional wrestler

Mario Mazzarotto

Mario Mazzarotto

Film producer

Emanuele Nespeca

Emanuele Nespeca

Film producer

Billy Bang

Billy Bang

American jazz violinist