

This dark psychological drama follows young Anna Madden (Charlotte Burke), a lonely British child who begins to inhabit the world that she draws in her sketchbook. When she creates a boy on paper, she later meets the same child, Marc (Elliott Spiers), in her dream realm. Things take a creepy turn when Anna draws her absentee father (Ben Cross), and he appears in her world as a menacing figure out to get her. Can Anna control this strange realm, or will she become a victim of it? … MORE

Paperhouse People (First 15 people) - Page 0

Gemma Jones

Gemma Jones

English actress

Glenne Headly

Glenne Headly

American actress

Ben Cross

Ben Cross

English stage actor

Sarah A. Radcliffe

Sarah A. Radcliffe


Bernard Rose

Bernard Rose


Stephen O'Donnell

Stephen O'Donnell

Scottish footballer

Steve O'Donnell

Steve O'Donnell

American television writer

Gary Bleasdale

Gary Bleasdale


Sarah Radclyffe

Sarah Radclyffe

British film producer

Mike Southon

Mike Southon

British entrepreneur

Stanley Myers

Stanley Myers


Barbara Keogh

Barbara Keogh

British actress



Musical group

Hans Zimmermann

Hans Zimmermann

Musical artist

Catherine Storr

Catherine Storr

English children's writer