

Kept is a reality television series that centered on Jerry Hall searching for a kept man. The show premiered on the American cable network VH1 in late May 2005. When Hall narrowed the list down to twelve, she spirited them off to London and eliminated them one by one.

Kept People (First 15 people) - Page 0

Jerry Hall

Jerry Hall

American model

P.J. Soles

P.J. Soles

German-American actress

Art Hindle

Art Hindle

Canadian actor

Paul Michael Robinson

Paul Michael Robinson

Movie actor

Sondra Currie

Sondra Currie

American actress

Yvette Nipar

Yvette Nipar

American actress

Christian Oliver

Christian Oliver

German actor

Cal Bartlett

Cal Bartlett


Michelle Von Flotow

Michelle Von Flotow

Movie actress

Alison Semenza

Alison Semenza

Film producer

Marc Vahanian

Marc Vahanian


Olivier Christin

Olivier Christin

French historian

Kayano Masuyama

Kayano Masuyama

Japanese actress

Richard Uhlig

Richard Uhlig


Natalie Simpkins

Natalie Simpkins

Film producer