

Kakurenbo: Hide & Seek is a Japanese cel-shaded anime short film written and directed by Shuhei Morita. The film entails a game of "Otokoyo", a version of hide and seek played by children, wearing fox masks, near the ruins of an abandoned old Kowloon-inspired city.

Kakurenbo People (First 10 people) - Page 0

Dan Green

Dan Green

American voice actor

Michael Sinterniklaas

Michael Sinterniklaas

American-French voice actor

Sean Schemmel

Sean Schemmel

American voice actor

Veronica Taylor

Veronica Taylor

American voice actress

Junko Takeuchi

Junko Takeuchi

Japanese actress

Masami Suzuki

Masami Suzuki

Japanese actress

Tom Wayland

Tom Wayland

American voice actor

Shuhei Morita

Shuhei Morita

Japanese animator

Makoto Ueki

Makoto Ueki


Mika Ishibashi

Mika Ishibashi
