This drama series depicts the relationships and love lives of eight friends of various ethnicities and sexual orientations, all at crossroads in their lives, who live and work in downtown Los Angeles, the area that lends its acronym to the show's title. The main character is Lenny, a civil litigation attorney who reunites with a college friend, SJ, when her marriage is at a breaking point and his long-term relationship with partner Bryan is crumbling. Also featured are Kai, a teacher obsessed with hooking up with his celebrity crush; young Marine cadet Marky and his boyfriend, Matthew, a newcomer to the City of Angels who wants to make it as an actor; and outspoken lawyer Stefan, who is trying to make his relationship with much-younger boyfriend Trey work after finding out about Trey's secret life. … MORE

Dtla People (First 10 people) - Page 0

Sandra Bernhard

Sandra Bernhard

American actress

Tiffany Pollard

Tiffany Pollard

American TV personality

AzMarie Livingston

AzMarie Livingston

American fashion model



American comedian

Paul Mooney

Paul Mooney

American comedian

Darryl Stephens

Darryl Stephens

American actor

Darrel Stephens

Darrel Stephens


Daryl Stephenson

Daryl Stephenson

American football player

Jeremy Jackson

Jeremy Jackson

American ecologist

Patrick McDonald

Patrick McDonald

TV personality