Chicago Boys

Chicago Boys

A group of Milton Friedman's disciples, backed by Augusto Pinochet, uses Chile to conduct radical economic experiments.

Chicago Boys People (First 7 people) - Page 0

Carlos Massad

Carlos Massad

Former President of the Central Bank of Chile

Ricardo Ffrench-Davis

Ricardo Ffrench-Davis

Chilean economist

Jaime Guzmán

Jaime Guzmán

Former Senator of the Republic of Chile

Juan Gabriel Valdés

Juan Gabriel Valdés

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile

Sergio de Castro

Sergio de Castro

Former Minister of Economy, Development and Reconstruction of Chile

Augusto Pinochet

Augusto Pinochet

Former President of Chile

Rolf Lüders Schwarzenberg

Rolf Lüders Schwarzenberg

Former Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism of Chile