Broken Rainbow

Broken Rainbow

In 1983, President Ronald Reagan's controversial Secretary of the Interior James Watt sold coal leases on federal land in New Mexico and Arizona to developers for exploration and mining. Thousands of members of the Navajo tribe lived on this land, part of their ancestral homeland, and were forcibly relocated away from their homes. This documentary examines this and other injustices in the U. S. /Navajo relationship. Narrated by actor Martin Sheen, the film won a Best Documentary Feature Oscar.

Broken Rainbow People (First 6 people) - Page 0

Frederick Elmes

Frederick Elmes

American cinematographer

Fred Myrow

Fred Myrow

American composer

Baird Bryant

Baird Bryant

American filmmaker

Dennis DeConcini

Dennis DeConcini

Former American senator

Maria Florio

Maria Florio

Film producer

Mark Andrews

Mark Andrews

American film director