Action Dad

Action Dad

Action Dad is a 2011 Brazilian-American animated series created by Andrew Dickman. The show features the voices of Chelan Simmons, Lee Tockar and Michael Donovan. The show premiered in Brazil on Sept. 12, 2012 on Cartoon Network Brazil. The show has also aired in Portugal, Israel and France.

Action Dad People (First 8 people) - Page 0

Ashleigh Ball

Ashleigh Ball

Canadian voice actress

Lee Tockar

Lee Tockar

Canadian voice actor

Chelan Simmons

Chelan Simmons

Canadian actress

Peter Kelamis

Peter Kelamis

Australian-Canadian actor

Ian James Corlett

Ian James Corlett

Canadian voice actor

Paul Dobson

Paul Dobson

Referee ‧ John Dobson's father

Trevor Devall

Trevor Devall

Canadian voice actor

Cole Howard

Cole Howard

Canadian voice actor