1963 is an American six-issue comic book limited series written by Alan Moore in 1993, with art by his frequent collaborators Steve Bissette, John Totleben, and Rick Veitch. Dave Gibbons, Don Simpson, and Jim Valentino also contributed art. Image Comics published the series.

1963 People (First 9 people) - Page 2

A Maid From Heaven

A Maid From Heaven

1963 film

Marisol rumbo a Río

Marisol rumbo a Río

1963 ‧ Comedy ‧ 1h 34m

Aprendiendo a morir

Aprendiendo a morir

1963 film

Five Minutes to Love

Five Minutes to Love

1963 ‧ Drama/Black and white ‧ 1h 25m

The Coyote (Il segno del coyote)

The Coyote (Il segno del coyote)

1963 film

Come Tomorrow, Please. . .

Come Tomorrow, Please. . .

1963 ‧ 1h 38m

Millonario por un día (El turista)

Millonario por un día (El turista)

1963 ‧ Black and white

Cuando calienta el sol

Cuando calienta el sol

1963 ‧ Black and white ‧ 1h 35m

Girl in the Headlines

Girl in the Headlines

1963 ‧ Mystery/Drama ‧ 1h 34m