La Capella Reial de Catalunya

La Capella Reial de Catalunya

La Capella Reial de Catalunya is a group of soloist singers with the aim of making the repertoire of Catalan historical music and, by extension, that of Spanish and other music widely known throughout the world. The group was formed in Barcelona in 1987 by its conductor Jordi Savall.

La Capella Reial De Catalunya People (First 9 people) - Page 0

Carlos Mena

Carlos Mena

Spanish opera singer

Pedro Estevan

Pedro Estevan

Musical artist

Rolf Lislevand

Rolf Lislevand

Norwegian music performer

Michael Behringer

Michael Behringer

Musical artist

Kai Wessel

Kai Wessel

German film director

Andrew Lawrence-King

Andrew Lawrence-King


Michèle Claude Musician

Michèle Claude Musician

Musical artist

Sophie Watillon

Sophie Watillon

Belgian soloist

Lorenz Duftschmid

Lorenz Duftschmid

Austrian conductor