

In academia, a Festschrift is a book honoring a respected person, especially an academic, and presented during their lifetime. It generally takes the form of an edited volume, containing contributions from the honoree's colleagues, former pupils, and friends.

Festschrift People (First 19 people) - Page 2

Econometric Theory and Practice: Frontiers of Analysis and Applied Research

Econometric Theory and Practice: Frontiers of Analysis and Applied Research


The Vargas regime

The Vargas regime

Book by Robert M. Levine

America at 1750

America at 1750

Book by Richard Hofstadter

US expansionism

US expansionism

Book by David Healy

The Symbolic Quest

The Symbolic Quest

Book by Edward Whitmont

The Fourth Paradigm

The Fourth Paradigm

Book by Tony Hey

Nuremberg and Vietnam

Nuremberg and Vietnam

Book by Telford Taylor

Music Traditions, Cultures, and Contexts

Music Traditions, Cultures, and Contexts


The great dirigibles

The great dirigibles

Book by John Toland

Yanomamo: The Fierce People

Yanomamo: The Fierce People

Book by Napoleon Chagnon

Larkin at Sixty

Larkin at Sixty

Book by Anthony Thwaite

The Importance of Species: Perspectives on Expendability and Triage

The Importance of Species: Perspectives on Expendability and Triage


Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth . . .

Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth . . .


Immunity of International Organizations

Immunity of International Organizations


Jurisprudence: Realism in Theory and Practice

Jurisprudence: Realism in Theory and Practice

Book by Karl Llewellyn

Policing: Key Readings

Policing: Key Readings


AIDS in America

AIDS in America

Book by Susan Hunter

Witchcraft in the Middle Ages

Witchcraft in the Middle Ages

Book by Jeffrey Burton Russell

The Law of Treaties Beyond the Vienna Convention

The Law of Treaties Beyond the Vienna Convention
