Green Party

Green Party

The Green Party - An Comhaontas Glas is a green political party that operates in Ireland—both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. It was founded as the Ecology Party of Ireland in 1981 by Dublin teacher Christopher Fettes.

Green Party People (First 32 people) - Page 0

Sanjaasürengiin Oyuun

Sanjaasürengiin Oyuun

Mongolian Politician

Jorge González Torres

Jorge González Torres

Mexican Politician

Peter Diamondstone

Peter Diamondstone

American lawyer

Alfredo Sirkis

Alfredo Sirkis

Brazilian writer

Carlos Minc

Carlos Minc

Brazilian geographer

Goran Čabradi

Goran Čabradi


Alon Tal

Alon Tal

Member of the Israeli Knesset

Roland von Malmborg

Roland von Malmborg


Fernando Gabeira

Fernando Gabeira

Brazilian Politician

Per Gahrton

Per Gahrton

Former Member of the European Parliament

Lúcia Veríssimo

Lúcia Veríssimo


Ulla Löfgren

Ulla Löfgren

Swedish Politician

Jeanette Fitzsimons

Jeanette Fitzsimons

Former Member of the New Zealand Parliament

Rod Donald

Rod Donald

Former Member of the New Zealand Parliament

Mike Ward

Mike Ward

Former United States Representative

Adriane Carr

Adriane Carr

Canadian Politician

Peter Camejo

Peter Camejo

American author

Ross Mirkarimi

Ross Mirkarimi

San Francisco Supervisor

Daniel Breton

Daniel Breton

Former Member of the National Assembly of Quebec

Howie Hawkins

Howie Hawkins

American activist

Adriane Carr

Adriane Carr

Canadian Politician

Howie Hawkins

Howie Hawkins

American activist

Indulis Emsis

Indulis Emsis

Former Prime Minister of Latvia

Saulius Vytas Pikšrys

Saulius Vytas Pikšrys


Virginija Vingrienė

Virginija Vingrienė

Former Member of the Lithuanian Parliament

Marija Tamkevičiūtė

Marija Tamkevičiūtė


András Schiffer

András Schiffer

Former Member of the National Assembly of Hungary

Schmuck Erzsébet

Schmuck Erzsébet

Former Member of the National Assembly of Hungary

Szabó Tímea

Szabó Tímea

Member of the National Assembly of Hungary

Gábor Vágó

Gábor Vágó

Former Member of the National Assembly of Hungary

Tímea Szabó

Tímea Szabó

Member of the National Assembly of Hungary

Wangari Maathai

Wangari Maathai

Kenyan political activist