People death day 2021-09-08 (First 17 people) - Page 0

Neddy Smith

Neddy Smith

Xeberri Singer

Xeberri Singer


Yevgeny Zinichev

Yevgeny Zinichev

Former Minister of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation



Indian poet

Jordi Rebellón

Jordi Rebellón

Spanish television actor

Franco Graziosi

Franco Graziosi

Italian actor

Matthew Strachan

Matthew Strachan


Antony Acland

Antony Acland

Former Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom

Ludovico Vico

Ludovico Vico

Former Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy

Art Metrano

Art Metrano

American actor

Aruna Bhatia

Aruna Bhatia

Film producer ‧ Akshay Kumar's mother

Dietmar Lorenz

Dietmar Lorenz

East German judoka

Uno Loop

Uno Loop

Estonian singer

Luis Villafuerte

Luis Villafuerte

Former Governor of Camarines Sur

Betty Karnette

Betty Karnette

Former Member of the California State Senate

José Augusto Delgado

José Augusto Delgado

Brazilian justice

Aleksandr Melnik

Aleksandr Melnik

Film director