Trade Union People (First 49 people) - Page 1

International Association of Heat and Frost . . .

International Association of Heat and Frost . . .

Trade union

International Union of Police Associations

International Union of Police Associations

Trade union

Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association

Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association

Trade union



Trade union

Public and Commercial Services Union

Public and Commercial Services Union

Trade union

SASBO – The Finance Union

SASBO – The Finance Union

Trade union

Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood . . .

Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood . . .

Trade union

South African Football Players Union

South African Football Players Union

Trade union



Trade union



Trade union

Community and Public Sector Union

Community and Public Sector Union

Trade union

Australian Services Union

Australian Services Union

Trade union

Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance

Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance

Trade union

Finance Sector Union of Australia

Finance Sector Union of Australia

Trade union

Maritime Union of Australia

Maritime Union of Australia

Trade union

Communications, Electrical and Plumbing . . .

Communications, Electrical and Plumbing . . .

Trade union

Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union

Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union

Trade union

Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of . . .

Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of . . .

Trade union

Italian General Confederation of Labour

Italian General Confederation of Labour

Trade union

Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union

Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union

Trade union

Public Servants Association of South Africa

Public Servants Association of South Africa

Trade union

Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers

Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers

Trade union



Trade union

United Steelworkers

United Steelworkers

Trade union

Royal College of Nursing

Royal College of Nursing

Trade union

Society of Radiographers

Society of Radiographers

Trade union

South African Commercial, Catering and . . .

South African Commercial, Catering and . . .

Trade union

South African Transport and Allied Workers . . .

South African Transport and Allied Workers . . .

Trade union

South African State and Allied Workers' Union

South African State and Allied Workers' Union

Trade union

South African Democratic Teachers Union

South African Democratic Teachers Union

Trade union

South African Municipal Workers' Union

South African Municipal Workers' Union

Trade union

Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation

Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation

Trade union

Australian Manufacturing Workers Union

Australian Manufacturing Workers Union

Trade union

Transport Workers Union of Australia

Transport Workers Union of Australia

Trade union

Australian Workers' Union

Australian Workers' Union

Trade union

Australian Education Union

Australian Education Union

Trade union

National Union of Workers

National Union of Workers

Trade union

United Voice

United Voice

Trade union



Trade union

Norwegian Medical Association

Norwegian Medical Association

Trade union

Scottish Workers' Representation Committee

Scottish Workers' Representation Committee

Trade union

Australian Salaried Medical Officers' . . .

Australian Salaried Medical Officers' . . .

Trade union

Australian Maritime Officers Union

Australian Maritime Officers Union

Trade union

Queensland Council of Unions

Queensland Council of Unions

Trade union

National Union of Professional Footballers

National Union of Professional Footballers

Trade union



Trade union

British Airline Pilots' Association

British Airline Pilots' Association

Trade union

Union of Construction, Allied Trades . . .

Union of Construction, Allied Trades . . .

Trade union

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