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National Medal Of Science For Mathematics And Computer Science
People (First 49 people) - Page 0
Donald Knuth
American computer scientist
John McCarthy
Former United States Representative
Allen Newell
Martin David Kruskal
American mathematician
Elias M. Stein
American mathematician
Louis Nirenberg
Canadian-American mathematician
Leonard Kleinrock
American computer scientist
Raoul Bott
Hungarian-American mathematician
Saunders Mac Lane
American mathematician
Hassler Whitney
American mathematician
Kurt Gödel
Dennis Sullivan
American mathematician
Norbert Wiener
American mathematician
John Tukey
American mathematical statistician
Donald C. Spencer
American mathematician
Isadore Singer
American mathematician
David Mumford
American mathematician
John Backus
American computer scientist
Jerzy Neyman
Polish mathematical statistician
Alexandre Chorin
American mathematician
David Blackwell
American statistician
Andrew Viterbi
American engineer
George Dantzig
American mathematician
Marshall Harvey
Film editor
C. R. Rao
Mathematical statistician
Stephen Smale
American mathematician
John G. Thompson
American mathematician
Marston Morse
American mathematician
Joseph Keller
American mathematician
S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan
Indian-American mathematician
John Milnor
American mathematician
Barry Mazur
American mathematician
Michael Freedman
American mathematician
Michael Artin
German-American mathematician
Antoni Zygmund
Polish mathematician
Richard A. Tapia
American mathematician
Felix Browder
American mathematician
Solomon Lefschetz
American mathematician
Oscar Zariski
American mathematician
Bradley Efron
American statistician
Paul Cohen
American mathematician
Richard M. Karp
American computer scientist
Richard Brauer
German-American mathematician
Herman Goldstine
Cathleen Synge Morawetz
Canadian mathematician
John Cocke
American computer scientist
Karen Uhlenbeck
American mathematician
John Willard
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